Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Symphony of (Self-) Destruction

Soon-to-be-dead whore?
It looks like three of you were smart enough to portend the end for troubled pop princess Britney Spears. I'm not saying she's dead...YET...but, Andrew Cunanan thinks this chick is suicidal. Kurt Cobain mentioned that she might need a little professional help.

To review the past couple of years: marriage to a loser, weight gain, childbirth, child endangerment, alcoholism, divorce, childbirth, clubbing with Paris, exposing labia to the world, drugs, rehab for a day, more alcoholism, head shaving, custody of kids now in danger, wigs, back in rehab.

There are still eleven months left for this to develop this year! It's not that I want to reap her soul (if there is one there to reap). I'm just saying there's certainly a volatility there that was worth betting on.

I've been disappointed before, though. Tom Sizemore has let me down so many times that I finally left him off my list this year. Damn you Sizemore. Damn you straight to Hell.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Andrew didn't speak of this sooner. Although he did keep the whole Versace/Spree killing thing a mystery as well.

Joe said...

There, there, reaper. I'm sure Sizemore will overdose on cocaine and/or hookers soon enough.