Monday, July 30, 2007

Smart-Ass Prick Dies

Ingmar Bergman, that asshole director who thought he was so-o-o clever for putting that fricking scene in that fricking movie where Max Von Sydow beats Death at a game of goddamn chess, finally got what was coming to him. That's right, people. Y'see what you get when you try to make Death look like a chump who can't even beat an actor at a simple board game? Huh? You get Death.

You want to make it seem like any yutz soldier can stave off the inevitable because he knows how to castle? Well then look out, 'cause Death is going to come gunning for you. And, yeah, if my plate's a little full, it might take me forty-nine years after the insult to get around to you, but make no mistake, I never forget someone who pisses me off.

So all I gotta say is, Michael Bay better not pull any similar kind of stunt. 'Cause I'll show him what's "more than meets the eye."

None of you DW2k7 schmucks had the foresight to know that Bergman was a marked man.

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TheGrimReaper said...
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