Friday, February 09, 2007

Suicide is Painless

After yesterday's tragic (though clearly predictable) death of Anna Nicole Smith, many questions remain. What will happen to her poor daughter, what will happen to her myriad court cases, was she married to Howard K. Stern? The most important question to the sick bastards of DW2K7 is: Did she do it on purpose?

Let me first say that there is not yet official word on the death of Anna Nicole Smith. However, several sources are reporting that Anna had attempted suicide a couple of times in recent months while living in the Bahamas. One attempt is being reported as drowning herself in a swimming pool.

In the history of DeathWatch, the suicide bonus has never been given out. The DW2K7 rules state that an accidental drug overdose does not count as a suicide. There has to be some sort of proof of intent to harm oneself. I think if there had been a suicide note, that we would have heard about it by now.

All that being said, I think the most prudent thing to do in terms of scoring will be to wait and see what the police rule it. If she ingested 30 times the dosage that it would take to kill a person (or some amount that couldn't possibly be accidental), that, combined with alleged recent suicide attempts, may be enough to give out the bonus points.

The game hangs in the balance here in the first week (122 points would almost certainly make this a 2-horse race), so the Board of Deathmasters will not take any ruling lightly.

Any comments are welcome.
Grim Reaper


Anonymous said...

This is not fair! I demand that Horatio Sanz swallow a gun immediately!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the coroner will make it easy and just rule it a suicide. Wouldn't that be an official ruling? By the way, allow me to introduce myself... Dr. Deady Money, Coroner of Hollywood, FL!